Bram Crag Quarry, St Johns-in-the-Vale

Bram Crag Quarry, St Johns-in-the-Vale
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Date(s) - 18/04/2023
4:00 pm - 8:45 pm

Bram Crag Quarry

Meet organiser: Mark Megan
Pub afterwards: Salutation, Threlkeld


A fine-granite quarry close to Castle Rock in St. Johns in the Vale. Many upper tier routes are hard to protect with trad gear and most have now been retro-bolted.

WARNING: September 2018 – rockfall reported at the far right hand end of the upper tier, routes around the area of false profit.  There is reportedly some loose blocks still ‘attached’ to the crag which may fall so either avoid or use caution.

Not an aesthetic crag but good slab climbing and accessible for a quick hit.

Approach notes

Park in a layby just South of the quarry entrance, follow the zig-zag track to a T-junction, turn right and then up the grass ridge to the upper tier, or straight on to the lower tier.

Meet information

Home Forums Bram Crag Quarry, St Johns-in-the-Vale Tuesday 18 Apr 2023

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  • #40330 Share
    Mark Megan

    Please do not reply to this email – it will not be received.

    Bram Crag is a fine sports climbing venue with good single pitch climbing. We have perhaps the best forecast of the year so far for Tuesday – so with wall to wall sunshine forecast the main concern this week will be remembering the sunscreen.

    With a short walk-in and the good weather I hope we will have a large turnout, so please try to car share where possible. There is room for a few cars on roadside near the climbers path to the quarry , but there are also laybys within a few hundred metres. Many of the more amenable grades are found in the |”Centre Parc” area of the crag so this is normally a good pace to meet/find people.

    I am intending to be at the crag from 15:30 onwards, hope to see you then.

    Mark M.

    #40481 Share
    Mark Megan

    …I should have added my contact details in case of query: , Tel: 07963145886 please contact me if any queries.

    Mark M.

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Home Forums Bram Crag Quarry, St Johns-in-the-Vale Tuesday 18 Apr 2023

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  • #40788 Share
    Mark Megan

    The weather was as sunny as forecast, but a cool breeze reminded us it was still early in the season. A good turn out with a couple of new faces (at least for me) including Mark W, Steve Po , Steve Pr, Kath P, Martin, Richard, Dave H, Johnny, Mike W, Jamie P, Tina, Jonathan C, Rachael, Aileen, Geraint, Pete, Stuart K, Mike M, Dan HB and of course myself, made for a good social meet to brush off a few of the cobwebs.

    The majority of climbs within the Center Parc area must have been climbed, with the exception of those suffering from surprisingly slick areas of seepage. A couple of pairs split off to avoid the crowd and tried their luck on The Amphitheatre and Promontory Buttress. The evening ended, as the sun and its warmth disappeared behind the fell, with the usual de-brief in the Horse and Farrier.

    Mark M

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