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    • Meet information and reports
      Topics in this forum are linked to events. To create new topics (to send out meet information, or create meet reports) please select the event from the Events menu and create the meet information or report there, using the buttons at the bottom of the page.

      Meet leaders should send out meet information a few days before the meet, to confirm the meet is on, give weather forecast information, parking information and to confirm the time the meet leader will be at the crag.

      Once the Meet has been held, Meet leaders should create a meet report, summarising who attended the meet and which climbs were ticked off.

    • 398
    • 462
    • 45 minutes ago

      Jonathan Trotman

    • News
      Use this forum to broadcast news to club members. If you want to send an email to all members (other than for a meet report, or something covered in the other forums) then this is the forum to use. Please use responsibly so that members do not get spammed. We don't allow members to unsubscribe from this forum to ensure that they can't miss out on important emails from the club.
    • 101
    • 116
    • 2 months ago

      Andrew Brockbank