Home Forums Meet information and reports Bram Crag Quarry, St Johns-in-the-Vale Tuesday 18 Apr 2023

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  • #40330 Share
    Mark Megan

    Please do not reply to this email – it will not be received.

    Bram Crag is a fine sports climbing venue with good single pitch climbing. We have perhaps the best forecast of the year so far for Tuesday – so with wall to wall sunshine forecast the main concern this week will be remembering the sunscreen.

    With a short walk-in and the good weather I hope we will have a large turnout, so please try to car share where possible. There is room for a few cars on roadside near the climbers path to the quarry https://maps.app.goo.gl/yE3XSRamLWQNt3UJ6 , but there are also laybys within a few hundred metres. Many of the more amenable grades are found in the |”Centre Parc” area of the crag so this is normally a good pace to meet/find people.

    I am intending to be at the crag from 15:30 onwards, hope to see you then.

    Mark M.

    #40481 Share
    Mark Megan

    …I should have added my contact details in case of query: markamegan@gmail.com , Tel: 07963145886 please contact me if any queries.

    Mark M.

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