Come and join us!

The KMC membership fee is £24 per year (or part year), which includes an associate membership of the BMC. Membership runs from 1st January to 31st Dec each year.

In order to join, you need to fill in a Membership Application Form . You can do this on-line: <Click Here>. Application via this on-line form is the preferred (and fastest!) application route.

In exceptional circumstances, a Membership Application Form can be <downloaded> from this site. Please print the form, complete it and return it to the postal address on the form.

You also need to pay the £24 subscription fee, which you can do by bank transfer. Transfer details are on the <downloadable form>. Please enclose an A5 stamped envelope to receive your membership card.

If you are a member of more than one BMC affiliated club you can claim back some of your membership fee from the BMC. See the BMC form <here>.

Click <here> to view our Privacy Policy.

Once you have received confirmation of your successful application you will be able to join our KMC Facebook Group (you can view it now; you just can’t post until you join).