Black Crag, Borrowdale

Black Crag, Borrowdale
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Date(s) - 21/05/2024
4:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Black Crag, Borrowdale

Meet organiser: Mark Megan
Pub afterwards: Dog and Gun, Keswick


Classic Borrowdale climbing! Two main buttresses, North buttress on the left and South buttress on the right.

Home to the deservedly popular Troutdale Pinnacle (S). Other classics include The Shroud (VS), The Mortician (HVS), Troutdale Pinnacle Superdirect (HVS), Raindrop (E1), Prana (E3) and Grand Alliance (E4).

A twenty minute walk from parking in laybys just south of the Leathes Head Hotel.  Alternatively Park in the Bowderstone NT car park and take the path at the left hand side back to Black Crag

Meet information

Home Forums Black Crag, Borrowdale Tuesday 21 May 2024

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  • #69580 Share
    Mark Megan

    Black Crag – Tue 21st May

    Forecast has potential for showers earlier in day but dry from about 4pm. So I will review tomorrow, but I expect to go ahead with the meet. The venue is Black Crag, home of some superb multi-pitch climbs. One of the best, and certainly most popular, being Troutdale pinnacle (S) but many other classic VS’s and above as well.

    There is parking for a few cars in a layby just past Leathes Head Hotel ( ) Take the track adjacent to the hotel, cross the stream and take the steep path up through the woods (20mins). or if that is full you can approach from the Bowderstone NT car park.

    Anyone needing more info/directions please whatsapp or email me ( ). I’m expecting to be at the crag from 4pm.

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Home Forums Black Crag, Borrowdale Tuesday 21 May 2024

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  • #69765 Share
    Mark Megan

    A beautiful evening and a great evenings climbing on classic clean rock… what more could you want? (other than your belay plate to remain attached, apologies to those below me). I was joined by Mike W, Steve, Sam, Andrew, Graham, Euan, Geraint, Robyn, Joe and Andy C.

    Notable climb was Andrew pushing himself outside his comfort zone and leading all pitches of Troutdale Pinnacle. Several other pairs also headed up the Severe, with ascents of Troutdale Pinnacle Direct and Raindrop also achieved

    The evening was nicely rounded off with a convivial pint in the Borrowdale hotel.

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