Home Forums Meet information and reports Wallowbarrow Crag Meet Report Saturday 30 Apr 2022

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    Mark Ward

    Saturday dawned cool but clear, members gathered yawning and stretching at Lakeland business Park before setting off for the far off crags of the Duddon valley. On arrival at the High Wallowbarrow car park we were greeted by warmth and sun enough to encourage the coldest of members to divest of any insulated layers before the short walk to the crag.

    Meeting up with earlier arrivals from the club, the team divided into climbing partnerships and proceeded to molest the crag by the majority of its routes. Multiple ascents were made of West Wall, Malediction direct, Thomas, Nameless, Agitation, Digitation, Wall and Corner and Trinity Slabs.

    After a promising start the weather slowely reverted to something more seasonal, clouding over and cooling down, with odd spots of rain by the time the last team had finished, although never enough to stop the hardy.

    The traditional adjournment to the Newfield Inn provided both the warmth and nourishment to reinvigorate the team for the journey home.

    Thanks to Jim, Judith Mike M, Jonathan, Megan, Aileen, Tina, Olli Y, Pete, Brendan, Geriant, Jamie, Mark H and Andy B for joining me and contributing to, what was agreed to be, another great days cragging


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