Home Forums News Summer meets Schedules – Draft 2

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    Mark Ward

    Good Morning all,
    Firstly a big thank you to everyone who has volunteered to act as meet leader so far, however we still need further volunteers. Active climbing members should consider this an opportunity to put something back into the club, at the end of the day meets that dont have leaders won’t happen.

    Please consider this request carefully and if you would like to help, or need any further information please get in touch with me. Links to the current, partly populated, schedules are below, click to open


    If you have not acted as meet leader before, but think it is something you could do, please be assured that you will be fully supported until you have a couple under your belt, if you get in touch with me we can sort out a couple of meets which might be

    To reply to me DO NOT use the reply function at the top of this post as it does not work properly, instead I can be contacted either by email to markward1962@gmail.com, or phone/texy/WhatsApp at 07500155064


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