Home Forums Meet information and reports South Face, Castle Rock of Triermain Tuesday 4 May 2021

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  • #9981 Share
    Jonathan Coles

    South Face Castle Rock, Thirlmere. Tuesday 4 May.

    The current forecast is rain and some snow on Monday, and showers on Tuesday afternoon with a ‘feels like’ temperature of -1°C.  Last week, at Bram Crag Quarry, the rain fell on dry rock and was quickly absorbed or evaporated: rain on wet rock is nastier.  So I suggest postponing a decision until Tuesday morning. Please let me know if you may come.

    If the meet is on, participants are asked to take note of the Covid-19 restrictions in the ‘Resuming Club Meets Members Briefing Note’. Last autumn, the car park opposite the crag (off the B5322) was free: does anyone know if this is still true? Otherwise, there is parking on the A591.

    If climbing is off and people want a leg stretch I would be interested in leaving the carpark by the Sally in Threlkeld at 17.00 and going up Clough, down Fisher’s Widow’s Rake and back through the mining museum.

                                                               Jonathan Coles

    #10216 Share
    Steve Pollington

    Thanks, Jonathan. I intend to make it either for a climb or the walk if the weather remains doubtful. Cheers, Steve.

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