Home Forums Meet information and reports South Face, Castle Rock of Triermain Tuesday 31 Aug 2021

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    Ian Massey

    The meet leader ordered dry weather and the Met Office forecast predicted a less than 5% rain, how wrong can it be, it rained at 14.30 and then cleared up so off to the crag went; Jonathan C, Steve P, Mark W, Mike K, followed by Aileen R, Ros, Jonny and Phil N. A phone call to Brendan C was made to encourage him join us, saying it was sunny and warm.
    The teams completed the usual; Slab Climb, Gangway Climb, Yew Tree Climb and Jonny lead Kleinerinne just as it started to rain. The rock was getting wet so the climbs were completed, and then off home. Another phone call to Brendan to say ‘don’t bother mate’.
    Just as we were leaving Paul and Jenny arrived, they took to sensible option to go to the Keswick climbing wall.

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