Nothing daunted by a weather forecast that predicted gales followed by rain, 14 members turned out to climb on a dry but breezy Castle Rock. Most of the usual routes got done, even ones not in certain editions of guidebooks. Eventually the breeze developed into a close cousin of a maelstrom, making standing upright something of a challenge for some of us. Dark clouds threatened from the west. A few of us beat a hasty retreat ahead of the (apparently) advancing rain – the meet leader included.
However, several intrepid souls were still engaged in climbing Yew Tree climb and people more responsible than the meet leader stayed behind until everyone was down. Meanwhile I monitored proceedings from the shelter of some trees near the car park – leading from behind/below being my leadership style of choice!
Those who made it to the pub did so in separate shifts, with the Kings Head standing in for the Salutation in Threlkeld since the latter no longer opens on Tuesdays. The beer was good and the rain held off until we left the pub.
The wind-swept climbers were: Roland, Marks W and M, Dan, Tina, Mike M, Pete W, Jon, Aileen, Stu, Andrew S, Brendan, Jamie and Judith – hope I haven’t forgotten anyone.