Home Forums Meet information and reports Scramble/Winter Walk Saturday 18 Dec 2021

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    Judith Brown

    The fog on Saturday morning in Cockermouth was so thick, I almost cancelled the meet. Luckily I kept faith with the Met Office forecast. What a gorgeous day it turned out to be with absolutely beautiful views of sun-drenched fells and mists swirling ethereally in the valleys.

    After an initial SNAFU with parking, the team parked near the Blencathra Centre managed to rendezvous with the team parked in the village, and 10 KMC members summited Blencathra via Hall’s Fell Ridge. Everyone ended up very warm as the temperature increased with height, but only Jonathan stripped down to his vest!

    Lunch was taken on the summit, where our efforts were upstaged by the guy making mulled wine on a camping stove – an idea for next year! After the obligatory summit photos, we descended to Scales Tarn, which was a perfect mirror of the crags above. We had Sharp Edge to ourselves with some sections proving quite exciting.

    Back on the tops, new member, Steve, headed straight back down, while the rest of us completed the ridge and down the zig-zags to the Blencathra Centre.

    The team was Steve D, Jonathan C, Brendan, Jamie, Aileen, Marks H and W, Ian, Mike K, and Judith. Great turn-out and quality ‘craic’.

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