Home Forums Meet information and reports Scramble – Raven Crag, Yewdale, Coniston Saturday 25 Nov 2023

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    Judith Brown

    At the moment, the forecast for Saturday looks good – very chilly but dry and sunny, so the meet is on (unless the forecast deteriorates).

    The scramble is at a low altitude with a short approach. The expedition can be extended by the addition of a further scramble and a modest level walk, depending on weather and energy.

    It is a fairly straight forward grade 2 scramble, though all scrambles can feel harder in the cold and if there is any damp remaining after the recent wet weather. The party will carry a rope in case of need, helmets are optional.

    Parking for the crag is along the narrow lane on the north side of Yewdale, signed for Hodge Close. The best parking is almost immediately as you turn into the lane just before the bridge, with some other options a bit further along. Please take care not to park in passing places.

    Meet at the first parking area at 10 a.m. Lift share available from the Lakeland Business Park in Cockermouth, leaving at 8.30. Please let me know if you want a lift from Cockermouth via WhatsApp or my e-mail address, judithbrown3@aol.com.

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