Home Forums Meet information and reports Scramble Blencathra Saturday 29 Apr 2023

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  • #41869 Share
    Judith Brown

    This meet is ON. The forecast isn’t fantastic – Stu stole all the sunshine for his Shepherd’s Crag meet – but it is OK. Maybe some light rain early on, but not forecast too windy. Also the route can be varied according to conditions on the day.

    So meet at the big parking area at the end of the Blencathra Centre road at 9.30. On my last visit there was a whopping great pothole at the entrance to the parking area so drive slowly!

    Anyone wanting a lift from Cockermouth, meet me at the Lakeland Business Park (AKA the wigwams), just off the A66 at 8.45 – or let me know if you want to organise a pick-up near Keswick – e-mail me at judithbrown3@aol.com. Alternatively, use the WhatsApp group to organise lift-shares.

    #42022 Share
    Michael Korner

    See you there at 9.30. Mike Korner

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