Home Forums News Reviewing the website and expanding the Committee – Can you help?

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    Stuart Watson

    The KMC membership is now enjoying its highest membership since it was established over 20 years ago. We have a healthy mix of people of many ability levels and different interests. Whilst the Club’s main focus is still on trad rock climbing and mountaineering, we now include regular scrambles, indoor wall meets and sports climbing meets in the annual programme and intend to introduce regular fell walks and winter climbing meets for the winter season.

    In order to meet the diverse needs of the expanded membership we are currently reviewing the use and functionality of the KMC website. We would welcome any feedback from members as to how you use the website – are there features that you find particularly useful; and others that you never use at all?

    Also, do you have specific expertise in the development of websites built with WordPress and are you willing to give advice and/or help us develop/maintain the website so that it continues to meet the needs of the club. More information on what would be involved can be obtained from Stuart Watson who can be contacted on stuartataltitude@gmail.com or (phone or WhatsApp) 07801 132576.

    We are also looking to expand our very small committee, which currently consists of just 4 people. Between us we cover the jobs of chair/webmaster; secretary/treasurer; meet organiser; and BMC rep. In keeping with the practice of other clubs we want to recruit 2 ordinary members. These posts would not involve taking on specific responsibilities but would enable us to better reflect the Club membership and allow you to influence the direction of the club going forward. Committee meetings are fairly informal and are only arranged when there are particular issues we need to address – usually no more than two meetings a year.

    To share your feedback on the website; to volunteer web expertise; or to join the committee as an ordinary member please contact Stuart on stuartataltitude@gmail.com or 07801 132576, Mark on markward1962@gmail.com or 07500 155064, or Judith on judithbrown3@aol.com or 07771 552779.

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