Home Forums Meet information and reports Raven Crag, Walthwaite Tuesday 15 Jun-Tuesday 15 Jun 2021

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  • #12306 Share
    Stuart Watson

    The weather forecast for Tuesday is good (pretty good all week!). So the meet at Walthwaite on Tuesday is ON! Although the crag is not huge, there are quite a few fun routes in the mid grades and it’s a crag I enjoy going to.

    At the start of the season I hoped I’d be back climbing now (after my accident last August), but I still have shoulder/hand issues and am waiting for feedback on a MRI scan of my spine (it’s clear that it’s far from perfect but unclear whether jerking it on a top-rope fall could be problematic or not). Very kindly, Mark Ward has volunteered to take over my meet leadership. I think he’ll be there from about 4pm. So let him know if you’re planning to attend. Hopefully I’ll be climbing easy stuff at another meet, later in the year!

    Enjoy some great climbing on Tuesday afternoon/evening!!

    #12359 Share
    Mike Walker

    Hi Mark,

    I’m planning on attending my first meet with KMC, I’m coming from Newcastle so I’m hoping there will be opportunities to get some climbs in. I’m happy to second but am rusty and haven’t led for a while due to restrictions.


    Mike Walker

    #12429 Share
    Mike Walker


    I’ve got my dates and crag mixed I’m planning on going to the other Raven crag Borrowdale on tuesday 22/06/21,


    Mike Walker

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