Home Forums Meet information and reports Raven Crag Walthwaite Meet Report – 16 Jul 2019

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    Stuart Watson

    The meet was well attended and we all enjoyed warm dry conditions. Nearly all of Brendan, Mark H, Mark W, Judith, Johnny, Dave, Stuart, Jon T, John M, Fiona, Bob and Matt climbed Route 1, Route 2, Enterprize, Hardup Wall, and Walthwaite Gully. Bob reverted to his old route-finding ways and wandered off Hardup Wall onto For Whom the Bell Tolls (E4) – not a mistake many of us would have managed to make! He and Matt also climbed Tritus and Persephone. New member Hareth arrived late (as we were about to leave for the pub), after some difficulty locating the crag, and so we whizzed up Route 1 again. We all then headed to the Britannia for refreshment, where we were made jealous hearing tales of the Dolomites, by those who had just returned from that meet.

    Although small, the crag makes for a very sociable meet, as everyone is climbing and belaying in close proximity, and the routes are all worthwhile. A great evening!

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