Home Forums Meet information and reports Quayfoot and Woden\’s Face, Borrowdale Tuesday 30 Apr 2024

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    Mark Ward

    Good evening,
    The forecast for Tuesday looks OK, warmer but a little windy (provided the rain moves away as forecast) so this meet will go ahead as scheduled. The venue provides opportunity for everyone with Wodens Face better for lower grades, Quayfoot best for classic HVS’s and of course Bowderstone Crag if you like your “E” numbers.

    The different crags are very spread out so I would appreciate communication if you intend to go

    I will be leaving Cockermouth about 3 o’clock, lift share available for anyone who wants it, just let me know

    I can be contacted by txt/WhatsApp 07500155064 or email markward1962@gmail.com


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