Home Forums Meet information and reports Quayfoot and Wodens, Borrowdale Tuesday 11 May-Tuesday 11 May 2021

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  • #10782 Share
    Steve Pollington

    (2nd attempt)
    Parking at NT’s Bowderstone carpark which is free to NT members. I shall be arriving around 3pm and will start at Woden’s Face, accessed by the track leading south from the carpark entrance -(5mins walk), probably returning to Quayfoot buttress later. The forecast currently looks dry. If it deteriorates severely, we shall reschedule for Thursday at the same time.

    If you fancy a pint afterwards, we could try Wetherspoon’s beer “garden” if it is open.

    Please let me know if you intend to attend.

    I look forward to seeing you there.

    Cheers, Steve.

    #10956 Share
    Mark Ward

    Hi Steve, I will be attending see you there
    Cheers Mark

    #10976 Share
    Martin Attwood

    Hi Steve, I will be attending the Tuesday meet. Cheers Martin

    #10987 Share
    Jonathan Hibbert

    Will be there. If(!) the weather plays ball, is anyone keen on doing some of the HVS’s up on Quayfoot?

    #11041 Share
    Andrew Cannon

    Sorry Steve, my shoulder still won’t let me climb properly … I’ll just have be patient & wait for it to mend. Not my strong point!
    Hope you have a good evening.

    #11118 Share
    Steve Pollington

    The meet was attended by 11 club members (Mark, Brendan, Richard, Jamie, Roland, Jonathan C, Martin A, Matthew, Geraint, Jonny & Steve P.).
    In spite of the forecast, the Rain God was merciful, although with the exception of a worryingly slippery ascent of Quayfoot Buttress by Brendan and Jamie, all the action took place on the drier Woden’s Face where every route except Woden’s Wotsit and Wodentops was climbed at least once. Although the rock was not wet, under-use during the pandemic plus recent rainfall reduced the rock’s friction. Whilst more than a few club members complained of rustiness, nevertheless it was a busy evening and a good time was had by all. Here’s to Shepherd’s next week! S.

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