Home Forums News New Members Skills Meet – Initial Interest

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    Stu Gorman

    At last weeks Club committee meeting, we talked through an idea of running an additional meet, focusing on passing on skills and knowledge to help new members build confidence and support their climbing progression.

    I am looking to gauge interest in such a meet. Initially, we would look for experienced members to help support by coaching and passing on their skills. We can also explore options of hiring an instructor(s) depending on how this goes and peoples skill levels, with the costs being shared amongst those attending. This should bring the costs down compared to engaging an instructor on your own.

    The meet would be open to new members and existing members, who feel they would like a refresher.

    So, two questions for you:

    1. Would you be interested?
    2. If yes, would you be looking for support with…
    – Being a competent second?
    – Transition to leading?

    If you could reply to stu_dan@hotmail.com I will collate responses. I will also put a poll on the WhatsApp group as an alternative way to respond.

    Any experienced members who would be willing to support this kind of meet, please let me know. Likely be a weekend day at a quieter crag, such as Headend Quarry.

    Many thanks all,

    Stu G

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