Home Forums News New BMC Lakes Area Secretary Required

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    KMC Admin

    Adam Green took over as the Lakes Area Secretary and has been doing a good job however, unfortunately with commitments of his job and also family he has to vacate the position and we are looking for a person to take over.
    Needless to say this is an important position to help with the BMC doing its work in the Lakes area especially with organising the area meetings but being involved with the various issues in the area.
    It is interesting to be more closely involved in the various matters affecting climbing, walking and mountaineering in the area and beyond – though the job is more of an administrative position.
    Frank Bennett is chair for the Lakes area together with Fiona Sanders and Mike Parsons at National BMC level with access reps and others at a local Lakes area …. as well as the national BMC office.
    I am sure you enjoy the crags and fells like everyone else – this is your chance to put some time in helping yourself and others to with that enjoyment.
    If you are interested or would like more information please email either Frank (frankrbennett@icloud.com) or Adam (adamjogreen@outlook.com) accordingly.

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