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    KMC Webmaster

    My name is Anne Chevalier and at the last AGM of the BMC Lakes area (18th October), I volunteered to become the clubs’ rep for the area. I’m contacting you either because you’re a Cumbria based club or you have a hut or huts in the Lake District.

    As the clubs’ rep, I’d like to gather club thoughts & opinions relating to local issues, and identify club needs to communicate them to the BMC. Therefore, feel free to contact me at annechevalier28@gmail.com and to let me know any concerns you may have associated with climbing and walking in the Lakes area. I will present them at the meetings.

    There is also an opportunity to promote your club; The Lakes area is planning to issue a newsletter in January and it would be useful if you could send me a short paragraph promoting your club with a meet photo to accompany it. You may also wish to engage with Jane Thompson, the BMC Clubs Officer (jane@thebmc.co.uk), in seeking help and support in promoting your club.

    The BMC Lakes area meets about 4 times a year. These meetings are an opportunity for local clubs to meet, a platform for all matters of concern. I don’t know if your members are aware of these meetings, but I wonder if you could encourage support for them from your members, possibly on a rota basis?

    I’m looking forward to meeting you at the next area meeting.

    Yours faithfully

    Anne Chevalier

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