Home Forums News KMC Subs 2025 – Advance Notice

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    Jim Fairey

    Please read the following from the BMC.

    “Dear Members,

    The BMC exists to support our community of hill walkers, climbers and mountaineers whilst campaigning to preserve and ensure access to the places we love for generations to come. In line with our commitment to update members in September, today we are announcing our membership fees for 2025.

    Over the past six months I have updated you on the difficult decisions and adjustments we have made to ensure we are functioning within our means, for the BMC’s long-term sustainability and ability to maximise our support to members.

    Most recently we shared proposed membership fee adjustments for 2025 and I’d like to thank all the members who have taken time to engage with us and feedback on those proposals. From the responses we received, more than half of respondents have understood and supported the increases, whilst some comments were also in opposition. All the questions and feedback were collated and relayed back to the Board, by our members champion, President, Dominic Oughton.

    A summary of the FAQs can be found below and full details and background of these changes are further explained in our previous August and September updates.

    The increase in 2025 BMC membership fees is based on two external factors:

    3.60% RPI increase

    Retail Price Index – statistics that measures consumer inflation.

    ONS as of July 2024 on non-insurance related elements.

    £376,369 Increase in the cost of BMC Combined Liability premium (£4.57 per member)

    Costs directly passed on to us from our insurers/underwriters.
    A final decision was agreed with the Board on 18 September, to implement the following membership fees from 1 January 2025”.

    I have attached the BMC Fees for 2025 for your information. It means we have no choice but to increase our membership subs to £30 per year or part year with effect from 1st January 2025.

    If you normally pay your subs by standing order on 1st January please ensure that the amount is amended to £30.

    If you pay by BACS transfer you will receive a reminder late December to pay £30 direct to our Bank account (details included)

    We hope you will continue to support and enjoy our growing and very active club. Our revised subs are set purely to cover the BMC membership costs.

    kind regards

    Jim Fairey
    Treasurer KMC

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