Home Forums News KMC Subs 2024

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  • #56787 Share
    Jim Fairey

    Greetings. It’s approaching renewal time for your club membership. Despite the cost of living increase and BMC fees we are holding the subs at £24 for 2024.
    Please make me aware of any changes in your personal details during 2023. This includes your postal address.
    We look forward to another year of growing active membership.

    #57789 Share
    KMC Admin

    Here are the payment details for those of you yet to renew your KMC Membership for 2024

    1. If you pay by standing order, please check the amount is for £24

    2. If you pay by BACS, please transfer £24 to;
    The Keswick Mountaineering Club 40-18-03 a/c 51289667 and add Subs 2024 as reference

    We no longer accept cheques. If you cannot pay by BACS you may pay cash or by cheque payable to J W Fairey and I will pay on your subs electronically. This will mean delivering your cash or cheque in person to 8 Challoner Court, Cockermouth CA13 9RN. Please ring the doorbell and I will give you your 2024 membership card.

    Our club continues to expand both in member numbers and activities. We expect 2024 to be a great year with many new projects and destinations.

    Happy Christmas

    Jim Fairey

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