Home Forums News KMC Subs 2022

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    KMC Admin

    Greetings KMC Members

    We are fast approaching the end of 2021. Let’s hope that 2022 will bring us increased freedom and opportunities to climb the world.

    2022 subs are now due on 1st January 2022 and remain unchanged at £24 pa.

    Standing orders: If you normally pay by standing order, please check it is correctly set at £24 otherwise no action is required.

    BACS: To pay by bank transfer please send £24 to The Keswick Mountaineering Club, a/c 51289667. Sort Code 40-18-03.
    Please reference the payment as Subs 2022 and you may pay anytime from today onwards.

    2022 membership cards will be sent out on receipt of your subs payment.

    We have had quite a few new members during the second half of 2021 and we hope the club will continue to grow in 2022

    kind regards

    Jim Fairey – KMC Treasurer

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