Home Forums News KMC Meets – WhatsApp group

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    KMC Webmaster

    Most (probably all) members who climb during the winter at the Kong wall in Keswick have been using a WhatsApp group to discuss the meets (who’s coming and what time, etc). If you don’t use WhatsApp, it is an instant messaging app – but generally better designed/laid out than the others. You do need to install the WhatsApp app on your smartphone (its free).

    In a previous forum message I asked who wanted to join the group but, in general, only the indoor climbers asked to join. I probably should have asked who doesn’t want to join as then I could have added everyone in the club. The app does make your mobile number findable by everyone in the group (which are CLUB MEMBERS ONLY), which is why I didn’t just put all members into the group. However, it is a much more immediate way of contacting people going to the next meet (than using email say) and I thoroughly recommend using it. The only negative is that by default you get a beep if someone posts to the group (which could result in many beeps for a well frequented meet discussion). You can turn these beeps OFF.

    As, a week tomorrow (Tuesday 12th) we have our first outdoor meet (Head End Quarry), it could be useful to make fast, last minute communication with other members (to say you’re coming, offer lifts, etc.). I thought I’d message again to check if those of you who plan to attend our outdoor meets this year would like me to add you to the group. If so, please…
    1) install WhatsApp on your phone (its free but I can’t add you until you’ve got the app)
    2) email stuartataltitude@gmail.com and ask me to add you to the KMC Meets group

    Either way, hope I’ll see you on the 12th at Head End Quarry!

    Cheers Stuart

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