Home Forums Meet information and reports Festive ascent of Striding Edge Saturday 17 Dec 2022

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    Brendan Caris

    Good morning to you all, well we met in Glenridding car park at 0930hrs, it was like a sheet of ice. There was seven of us all suited, and booted and ready to go. The weather conditions were just fabulous. The higher we went the better it got.
    We ascended Striding edge, and descended Swirral edge in full winter conditions. Surprising to us all, there was not a breath of wind. We couldn’t have had better conditions.
    We were back in Glenridding about 1500hrs for a Christmas Beer in the Ramblers Bar.
    The Festive team were – Jamie, Mark H, Gaz, Scot, Jon T, Geraint and Brendan.

    Happy Christmas to you all, and let’s have a great New Year
    Kind Regards Brendan

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