Home Forums News Draft Meets Scedule 2024

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  • #60201 Share
    Mark Ward

    Good Afternoon all,
    Happt New Year. As usual at this time of year I have prepared a draft set of weekend meets and Tuesday meets for 2024 see the links below.


    The sharp eyed amongst you will note the similarities to last years schedules. As usual I am looking for comments, suggestions for alternative venues and of course I need volunteers to lead each meet. I will populate the schedules on a first come first served basis so if you have a preference which meet you want to lead please reply ASAP.

    To reply to me DO NOT use the reply function at the top of this post as it does not work properly, instead I can be contacted either by email to markward1962@gmail.com, or phone/text/WhatsApp at 07500155064

    If you have not acted as meet leader before but think it is something you could do please be assured that you will be fully supported until you have a couple under your belt, if you get in touch with me we can sort out a couple of meets which might be suitable for you. No special skill or knowledge is required

    I look forward to hearing from you all

    #60373 Share
    Carol Oliver

    What about Jackdaw Scar near Kings Meaburn in the Eden Valley?

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