Home Forums Meet information and reports Doves Nest Crag, Combe Gill Tuesday 31 May 2022

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  • #24551 Share
    Steve Pollington

    Although the weather forecast is currently a bit iffy, I intend that the meet should go ahead. Parking is just off the track to Thorneythwaite Farm (FY 250137). Follow track into Comb Gill, cross it when feasible and proceed on true right bank until below crag. I hope to be at the crag from 4pm onwards, but please watch email in case of cancellation should the weather forecast deteriorate badly. I hope to see you there. Cheers, Steve.

    #24618 Share
    Steve Pollington

    This is a repeat of yesterday’s email which for some reason appears not to have been sent.

    Tomorrow’s weather forecast is somewhat “iffy”. However, at present I intend to arrive at the crag around 4:30. Parking is just off the track to Thorneythwaite Farm (NY250137). Follow the track into Comb Gill, cross it when feasible and proceed on true right bank until below crag.. Please check email and WhatsApp in case of cancellation/postponement. I hope to see you there – preferably in brilliant sunshine!
    Cheers, Steve.

    #24733 Share
    Steve Pollington

    The Meet That Never Was.

    As the result of an unduly optimistic interpretation of the weather forecast, the meet was on with the proviso that if it was tanking down in Borrowdale, we would retreat to the KIng Kong climbing wall. Mark Ward and I chickened out half way down the valley and headed to the climbing wall were it was at least warm and dry, although except for a passing encounter with Dave H, we were the only KMC memebers there. Meanwhile, Simon, Olli and new member Paul braved it to Comb Gill for a walk. Unfortunately, lack of a phone signal in Borrowdale scuppers last minute communications, so apologies to those who did not get the message. Let’s hope next week’s meet at Armathwaite runs more smoothly.

    Chhers, Steve.

    #24804 Share
    Carol Oliver

    Couldn’t you all have at least done the sub-aqua – sorry, I mean subterranean, climb? 😉

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