Home Forums Climbing partners wanted Classic Rock UK – update

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  • #6321 Share
    Andrew Cannon

    Dear All,
    After conversations with a few members and discussion with Mark (thanks for your help Mark), I am planning the following, any/all of which you are all most welcome to join…

    Spring/Early Summer (all weather dependent of course):

    21/22 March – Stanage and Birchen Edge meet (x6 classic rock routes plus lots of others) – travel Sat morning and back Sun evening.

    25/26 April – Roaches and Hen Cloud (x6 classic rock routes plus lots of others) – travel Sat morning and back Sun evening.

    16/17 May – North Wales – Tryfan, Milestone, Idwal Slabs (x9 possible routes but unlikely to get that many ticked) – travel Friday evening – back Sunday evening

    23 – 26 May Trip down south – Cornwall and/or Lundy (up to 7 routes)- I’m on holiday that week and can take the weekend and first half of the week.

    13/14 Jun – Buchaille Etive Mor (x3 routes – probably 2 routes) – travel Friday evening – back Sunday evening

    4/5 Jul – Cobbler (x3 routes) or Isle of Arran (x2 routes) – travel Friday evening – back Sunday evening

    *** Please let me know which weekends your are interested in, we will then agree to bivvy/camp/hostel/B&B/Five Star Hotel/fly by private jet… between us. As any campsites/huts/hostels will need to be booked in advance, a rough idea of numbers would be helpful.

    All the best,


    #6406 Share
    Andrew Cannon

    Dear All,
    Frustrating as it is, I have decided to cancel all the Classic Rock weekenders. They might resume in the autumn or next year. Thank you for the fantastic response and support. It nearly happened!
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

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