Home Forums Meet information and reports Buckbarrow Scramble Friday 11 Feb 2022

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    Judith Brown


    The weather forecast for the weekend is awful. To take advantage of an expected ‘weather-window’ on Friday, I am pulling this event forward for anyone who can make it. I know this is no good for people who are working, but I will organise an additional weekend scramble for Saturday 26th February to compensate.

    If you are able to make Friday, here are the details:

    Buckbarrow overlooks the Gosforth-Wasdale road and there is limited roadside parking where the road comes nearest the crag at its western end, close to a wall, or in a small grassy pull-in. Meet there at 10am. Or contact me if you would like to lift-share from Cockermouth, by e-mailing my personal address judithbrown3@aol.com.

    This is a rematch with this particular route, since we abandoned it to the rain on last attempt. Hoping for better luck this time.

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