Home Forums Meet information and reports Bram Crag Quarry, St. Johns in the Vale Tuesday 27 Apr-Tuesday 27 Apr 2021

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    Jonathan Trotman

    Next Tuesday, the KMC meet will be at Bram Crag in St John’s in the Vale, Threlkeld. Anyone who is going, could you please let me know as I need to keep a list of attendees and if you turn up on the night come and introduce yourself.

    It’s a sports crag, so lots of bolted routes. The ideal rope would be a 60m single as some of the routes are up to 30m and you need enough rope to be lower off. If anyone has a spare bring it along as it might be useful?

    The other thing is the parking. There are various lay-bys on the opposite side of the road to the quarry road, some cars might have to park quite a way along the road as there still isn’t any car sharing allowed, so lots of vehicles if last meet is anything to go by! Also you can’t block the access to the quarry road as it is a used entrance for other vehicles.

    Hope to see lots of you there. I will be there around 4ish.

    Jon Trotman

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