The weather was as sunny as forecast, but a cool breeze reminded us it was still early in the season. A good turn out with a couple of new faces (at least for me) including Mark W, Steve Po , Steve Pr, Kath P, Martin, Richard, Dave H, Johnny, Mike W, Jamie P, Tina, Jonathan C, Rachael, Aileen, Geraint, Pete, Stuart K, Mike M, Dan HB and of course myself, made for a good social meet to brush off a few of the cobwebs.
The majority of climbs within the Center Parc area must have been climbed, with the exception of those suffering from surprisingly slick areas of seepage. A couple of pairs split off to avoid the crowd and tried their luck on The Amphitheatre and Promontory Buttress. The evening ended, as the sun and its warmth disappeared behind the fell, with the usual de-brief in the Horse and Farrier.
Mark M