Home Forums Meet information and reports Black Crag Meet Thursday 8 Aug 2019

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    Stuart Watson

    As you know, this week’s Tuesday meet at Miners Crag was cancelled due to bad weather. The weather for Thursday looks as if it should dry. However, the walk in to Miners Crag will be boggy after all the rain we have had, and it is a longish walk if we need to retreat because of showers or if the crag is still wet. Therefore (and also because we cancelled the previous week’s meet at Black Crag) we plan to hold a meet this Thursday at Black Crag, Borrowdale. Black Crag normally dries fairly quickly so the main routes should hopefully be dry.

    Celia and I are flying out to Italy early Friday morning for the weekend from Manchester, so want to get away early. We plan to get to the crag between 2:30 and 3pm and leave by 6pm. Judith will take over meet leadership for the second half of the meet.

    The main climbs on the pinnacle are 3+ pitches and climbers can disappear up the crag for 1.5 hours at a time. Therefore, if you plan to turn up alone, looking to pair up with a partner at the crag, it will be helpful if you synchronize your arrival with either myself, Judith or someone else you know is attending. You can contact me on 07801132576 or stuartataltitude@gmail.com. You can contact Judith on 07771 552779 or judithbrown3@aol.com. Ideally copy us both in. I can offer an early lift to people in/around Keswick but you may need to cadge a lift back from someone else if I go early and you continue climbing.

    See you there. Stuart

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