Home Forums Meet information and reports Autumn Amble – Sheffield Pike Saturday 12 Nov 2022

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    Mark Ward

    Morning All,
    The forecast for Saturday is good so this Autumn Ramble will go ahead as planned.
    Car shares available from Cockermouth Business Park, departing 09:00. If you prefer to meet at the start, aim to be at Park Brow NT car park for 09:30. This is the lower of the two car parks off the A5091.

    If you need any more information, if you wish to car share or to make sure we wait for you at Park Brow, please email me directly at anne_burbidge@hotmail.com or txt to the mobile below. Do NOT use the reply function above as it may not work!

    The ground will be saturated but the wind is due to recede and hopefully we will see more sunshine than rain!

    Hope to see you there.

    mob: 07951863410

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