Home Forums Meet information and reports Autumn Amble – Sheffield Pike Saturday 12 Nov 2022

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    Anne Burbidge

    Attendees: Anne, Tina, Judith, Fiona, Geraint, Martin, Mark W, Mark H.

    After a couple of days of wild weather, the wind finally calmed down and we ambled up Sheffield Pike as planned. From the car park we dropped down to follow the shoreline path to Glencoyne, then headed up the valley to Seldom Seen, squelching most of the way! We approached Sheffield Pike up a heathery path from the east. A quick break for lunch on the summit then down to Nick Head. To return, we picked up the pleasant old miner’s path around Glencoyne Head then dropped to the path through Glencoyne Park and back to the car park.

    A fine autumnal day out with good company, nicely finished off with refreshments in The Royal Hotel.

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