Home Forums News 2024 Meets schedules Draft 2

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    Mark Ward

    Good Afternoon all,
    Thanks for those of you who have volunteered so far, as you can see we have made good progress so far. I have attached the most up to date version Draft 2 of weekend meets and Tuesday meets for 2024 see the links below.


    As you can see there are still some meets that still need leaders, particulary for Tuesday evening meets. I would remind you that this is your club, its is down to the members to make it work so please do your bit, being a meet leader is not particularly onerous just takes a bit of getting used to the systems we use and, as always, meet leaders are actively supported by the committee

    If you have not acted as meet leader before but think it is something you could do please be assured that you will be fully supported until you have a couple under your belt, if you get in touch with me we can sort out a couple of meets which might be suitable for you. No special skill or knowledge is required

    To reply to me DO NOT use the reply function at the top of this post as it does not work properly, instead I can be contacted either by email to markward1962@gmail.com, or phone/text/WhatsApp at 07500155064

    I look forward to hearing from you ….soon, after all the start of the new season is only 7 weeks away!


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