Home Forums Meet information and reports South Face, Castle rock of Triermain, Thirlmere Tuesday 22 Aug 2023

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    Daniel Wilson

    Evening all!.. the forecast for Tuesday looks ok and so the castle rock south crag meet is on. The forecast is for showers in the morning and clearing up for the evening ????(the forecast for Thursday is similar but more showery). I am working in Keswick on Tuesday and so will give an update on the weather at about 2pm. If it is wet then we can always go to kong. Castle rock has a good range of low and mid range range climbs (and a few E’s) all of a good quality. There’s plenty of parking either at legburthwaite or slightly further away (but free) on the side of the A591. I’ll be leaving Keswick at around 3.30 if anyone needs a lift. See you there!! dan

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