Home Forums Meet information and reports Belford/Bowden Doors Saturday 11 Sep 2021

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  • #15589 Share
    Andrew Cannon

    Hi KMC,
    With only two climbers interested and my shoulder keeping me on VDiffs, I think it probably would be wise to cancel the day trip to Northumberland unless there’s a mad clamour to go!

    I do hope to have a more successful climbing year in 2022!

    All the best,


    #15756 Share
    Andrew Cannon

    Hi KMC, (attempt 2!)
    With only two climbers interested and my shoulder keeping me on VDiffs, I think it probably would be wise to cancel the day trip to Northumberland unless there’s a mad clamour to go! You can email me on e25c@btinternet.com if the website reply doesn’t work.

    I do hope to have a more successful climbing year in 2022!

    All the best,


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