Home Forums Meet information and reports Scramble – Harter Fell “Beanie” Saturday 17 Feb 2024 Reply To: Scramble – Harter Fell “Beanie” Saturday 17 Feb 2024

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Stephen Price

Well, the weather forecast was accurate. But still, the West Cumbria arm of the KMC enjoyed (type II fun?) a murky and wet walk up the NW ridge of Harter Fell. Stopping in the lee of a boulder on the summit for a quick snack, we then continued NE across the very boggy ground below Horsehow Crags to reach the road at the top of Hardknott pass. Then back down to the cars, with a diversion for some to view the fort. If never dry, it was at least warm once out of the wind. Thanks to Ros, Geraint, Mick, Chris and Kath for their good humour and helping get the most out of a poor weather day. The hospitality of the Brook House Inn was much appreciated and it certainly was not a day for a scramble!