Home Forums Meet information and reports Autumn Amble – Harter Fell and the Duddon Gorge Saturday 14 Oct 2023 Reply To: Autumn Amble – Harter Fell and the Duddon Gorge Saturday 14 Oct 2023

#54466 Share
Stephen Price

Sunshine, hail, driving rain, dry forest paths, fords, slippery stepping stones and wet hillsides; all were encountered on Saturday’s Duddon “amble”. We stuck to the planned route, with some attendees incorporating ad-hoc scrambling on the ascent of Harter Fell. The Duddon did not disappoint with expansive views (at times) and beautiful riverside woodland. Some members opted to get wet feet on the river crossings voluntarily, some involuntarily! The Newfield Inn’s chips and beer also did not disappoint. Thanks to Judith, Anne B, Jon T, Jonathan C, Johnny, Tina H, Mick R, Geraint, Kath and Steve P. 8 miles, 5 hours, 720 m ascent.