South Face, Castle Rock of Triermain

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Date(s) - 06/05/2021
4:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Castle Rock of Triermain (South Crag), Thirlmere

Meet organiser: Jonathan Coles
Pub afterwards: TBC


 The North Crag is a towering wall seamed with long grooves and ramps which holds a selection of classic multi-pitch lines that are both steep and sustained. Unfortunately the left-hand side of the North Crag suffered a large rockfall in 2018 that wiped out some routes; those that remain have been reclimbed and the rock is mostly stable although care is still needed.

The South Crag is a far friendlier spot that gets lots of sun.

Approach notes

Park at Legburthwaite carpark (fee). Take the path opposite the toilets and over the road to a field. Walk up the field a short way to a track.

For the North Crag, walk left along the track to a gate and then up next to the fence to reach a water culvert. Cross the small bridge and head up to below the cliff.

For the South Crag, cross the track and take a well-defined path up the field and over a water culvert and wall to the base of the cliff.

Meet information

Home Forums South Face, Castle Rock of Triermain THURSDAY 6 May 2021

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    Jonathan Coles

    The forecast for Thursday is less emphatically bad than Tuesday’s (and less bad than Saturday’s), so, in acknowledgement of Covid frustration, the Castle Rock meet is ON on THURSDAY. I will be there at 16.00, but if it is cold, windy and pissing down, I shall leave at 16.15.
    Fiona says that three weeks ago the United Utilities car park below the crag was not charging a fee. Jonathan

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