Home Forums Meet information and reports Raven Crag, Walthwaite Tuesday 15 Aug 2023

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    Mark Ward

    The weather gods were unusually kind on Tuesday providing warm sunshine, light winds and no rain. KMC members Judith, Tina, Robyn, Mark M, Pete W, Stuart K, Josh, Johnnie, Mike W, Andy and Craig joined me on a relatively dry crag for a lovely evenings climbing. As well as the usual Route 1, Route 2, Enterprize the more adventurous members tackled Militant Tendancy and Proportional Representation. Having been benighted on his last outing the meet leader ensured that everyone left the crag well before sunset and relocated to the Wainwrights pub for well earned refreshment. Another pleasant evenings climbing in very good company, lets hope the weather stays settled for the final few weeks of the season.


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